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11-14 th April Everglades Hotel Chester.

1-2-3 Night packages or just  Gala dinner from £55

All bookings via  Just for groups; 01603 886740 email


Were you a HMS Hermes Shipmate 1978-80? This PDF is an account of HMS Hermes during that time with photos and insight to life on board the Happy H.


We are this year raising funds to add a beautiful HMS Hermes memorial plaque in the garden of remembrance at Pangbourne Falklands Chapel.

This is one of the most tranquil of places to add a lasting memorial to our shipmates the target we need to raise is £1500.

Members are doing fundraising events to raise money but any donations would be very much appreciated especially if you are donating in memory of a loved one or fellow shipmate;

Donations can be made direct to the association please add Memorial Plaque as reference and if you wish to add a note please use the contact form.

We thank you in advance for your support.


Account; 61758632



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